Certified Application Counselor
During the 2015 open enrollment for the Healthcare Marketplace, our Certified Application Counselor helped 51 people sign up for coverage. Fred Reninger spent hours and hours helping them with one-on-one or couples enrollment assistance. Each session lasted approximately two hours, although one took four hours to set up.
Of the 51 people Fred helped, six identified as transgender, a population that frequently was denied both primary and behavioral health care in the past.
Under Obamacare, insurance providers are required to offer mental health and substance abuse treatment at the same level as primary care services. Unfortunately, before the Affordable Care Act, many insurance companies either denied behavioral health coverage or limited its availability.
We think mental health and outpatient addiction treatment are intrinsically connected to overall wellness. People who are depressed miss their doctor appointments. They stop taking prescription medication, sometimes in favor of self medication. People who make too much to be on disability but not enough to pay for blood draws, doctor’s appointments – and the skyrocketing cost of medication – are now able to get that care, whether it’s for hypertension, diabetes, or HIV.
We are grateful that the first people in generations are beginning to access help in these areas. Thank you for making that possible, Fred.
The next open enrollment period will be in the Fall, from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7, 2015, with coverage begin Jan. 1, 2016.