Trans*Fabulous Support Group – online
Meeting virtually via Zoom on Thursdays 7–8:30 PM, this peer support group is where trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people can find an affirming space to share experiences, build a […]
TransWoman Liberation Monthly Meeting – 107
An open meeting meeting for any transwoman who would like a safe space to discuss their personal experiences as a transwoman in our current society. In order to facilitate an […]
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Honors the memory of those whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence.
TMAH and TGQH Game Night* – 112/113
Transmasculine Alliance Houston and Trans & GenderQueer Houston host a members-only monthly game night. This event is open to transgender individuals and their friends, family, and significant others. Everyone is encouraged […]
Trans*Fabulous Support Group – online
Meeting virtually via Zoom on Thursdays 7–8:30 PM, this peer support group is where trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people can find an affirming space to share experiences, build a […]
TGiving Annual Trans Thanksgiving Celebration – 106/107/111/114
the Montrose Center 401 Branard St., Houston, TX, United StatesThe annual Transgender Thanksgiving party is a cherished tradition started in the mid-90s by Brenda Thomas, a fierce activist in Houston’s transgender community. Though Brenda passed away in 2006, her […]
Trans*Fabulous Support Group – online
Meeting virtually via Zoom on Thursdays 7–8:30 PM, this peer support group is where trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people can find an affirming space to share experiences, build a […]
Transmasculine Alliance Houston General Meeting* – 111
Trans Masculine Alliance Houston is a peer led community group for anyone assigned female at birth (AFAB) who identifies as FtM, transmasculine, non-binary, or is questioning their gender. We meet […]
Trans*Fabulous Support Group – online
Meeting virtually via Zoom on Thursdays 7–8:30 PM, this peer support group is where trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people can find an affirming space to share experiences, build a […]
Trans*Fabulous Support Group – online
Meeting virtually via Zoom on Thursdays 7–8:30 PM, this peer support group is where trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people can find an affirming space to share experiences, build a […]
TransWoman ESL Classes Graduation* – 106
This seasons ESL Classes have come to an end and we will celebrating those who finished with a graduation! G Pacheco