At the Center
HASO Bookstore – 117
HASO INC. was founded on the idea of helping those in need. Since our organization was established, we have endeavored to provide help where the need is greatest.We provide services […]
Private Booking* – 112/113
Private event hosted by K. Cooper
WeDiB Houston Annual Pop Up Shop – 114
Our yearly pop up shop for chapter members with small businesses to advertise and sell. Hosted by L. Simmons
The Right Step (TRS) Al-Anon Family Group – 110
This is a weekly Al-Non family group. Newcomers and visitors are welcome. For more information, visit Al-Anon Family Groups.
Augustine Fellowship presents: Science of Addiction: Why am I an addict?* – 107
Two area therapists will share educational information regarding addiction. Hosted by the Augustine Fellowship, a local 12 step program aimed at healing our toxic relationships. Hosted by E. Pudwill
LboH – Monthly Membership Meeting – 111
Join the Leather boys of Houston for our monthly membership meeting to discuss regular business. Dinner at a TBD location after the meeting ends.For those members not able to attend, […]