David Latini has served the LGBTQ community for more than 20 years. In 1998, he began volunteering at the Gay Men’s Health Collective at the Berkeley Free Clinic. Dave began his clinical work in 2002 as a psychology intern at the Alternative Family Institute in San Francisco.
More recently, Dave has served a wide variety of clients including families receiving services from Child Protective Services, federal felons being treated for substance abuse, bariatric surgery patients, and persons with general mental health concerns.
Dave completed his PhD at Stanford University where his dissertation focused on HIV prevention in the Latino community. In 2000, his research shifted focus to prostate cancer while he was on the faculty at the University of California, San Francisco. In 2006, he relocated to Houston to work for Baylor College of Medicine and the Houston VA. That year, he was co-chair of the first LGBTQ+ cancer conference held in conjunction with the GLMA annual meeting.
In 2007, he became interested in bladder cancer survivorship and began working extensively with the Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network. He is a board member of the Bladder Cancer Research Network and Malecare, an organization focused on cancer’s impact on men’s lives. Dave continued his interest in LGBTQ health disparities and has published extensively on the impact of prostate cancer on the lives of gay and bisexual men. He previously facilitated a support group for gay and bisexual men with prostate cancer at the Montrose Center from 2007 – 2011. He continues to collaborate with his Houston VA colleagues on a study of LGBTQ Veterans. Since joining the Montrose Center, he has maintained a position as an associate professor of Urology and Psychiatry at Baylor College of Medicine, where he is the course co-director for two medical student electives – Human Sexuality and LGBTQ Health.