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Newly Launched! AskAllie.Org Helps GLBT Teens Build Healthy Relationships

AskAllie.orgIf my partner makes me feel low or bad, what is the best way to let them know and understand how they make me feel? That’s one of the thought-provoking questions posed by a HATCH youth as part of the Ask Allie program, which allows teens to anonymously ask questions whenever something comes up that they are hesitant to ask out loud or in front of others. Montrose Counseling Center’s Anti-Violence Program Specialist, Allison Vogt, LBSW, then responds to the questions. So far, she has addressed topics such as getting and giving consent, effective communication, power and control vs. equal partners, abusive behavior, how to break-up, safety planning, stalking, manipulation, spiritual and/or cultural differences, being in the closet, letting your freak flagfly, as well as sharing resources for GLBT youth.

The launch of the new allows Vogt to expand her reach, helping GLBTQ teens everywhere build healthy relationships. “The dating landscape is different for these youth in that they don’t have as many role models to pattern their behavior after. Because of this and a number of other factors, too often they are at the mercy of others to define relationship boundaries,” said HATCH Youth Services Specialist Deb Murphy. Now Vogt can help any youth, anywhere, who posts a question or concern.

Visit to view current posts. Is there a nagging question you always wanted to ask, but were to shy too do so? Ask Allie today!

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