This morning, like many others in the community,we woke to horrific news out of Florida. A gunman had opened fire in Orlando’s Pulse nightclub, a local LGBT club favorite, on Saturday night, killing at least 50 people and injuring 53 others. This massacre has left some of us angry, afraid, and wondering what we can do to help.
Our response is simple. The LGBT community should do what we do best: love and support each other. Houstonians all over the city and surrounding areas are organizing to provide support for those affected by this horrific act of hate and terror. Here are ways you can help:
Find People and Check In
Facebook has set up a check in page to help people locate loved ones. You can use this page to alert those you are concerned about that you are looking for them.
Call Orlando Mass Shooting Family Hotline at 407-246-4357 to help find loved ones who may be missing.
To avoid vital communication channels being clogged, please only use these services if you have been unable to make contact with someone who you believe was at Pulse nightclub during the incident.
Talk to Someone
Several places are coordinating services for those in need of counseling. Counseling has been at the core of our work for over three decades. If you are overwhelmed or in need of support, we are here for you. Remember: Your feelings are valid.
Donate to Help the Victims’ Families
Equality Florida has set up a GoFundMe to support the victims and their families. If you wish, you can make a donation to the fund and find more information about how to help people in Orlando on the organization’s website.
Join us to honor the victims of this crime
Join The Montrose Center and Legacy Community Health Monday, June 13 for a candlelight vigil to remember and grieve those LGBT people and allies lost in Orlando’s terrorist attack. For more information, visit the Facebook Event Page.
Practice Self Care
Social media is a great tool to create meaningful dialogue. However, social media can also carry the sting of hate speech, painful imagery and triggering experiences across various platforms. It is okay to take a break from the news cycle to rest, reset and recharge.
Our deepest thoughts are with Orlando, the LGBT community and the families of those lost and injured today.