Tickets at $30 per person ($25 for seniors) can be purchased at the door or by making a safe, secure online donation. Please enter “BITG Tickets” as your donation’s designation.
Events like MCC’s annual St. Patrick’s Day party are vital to MCC’s ability to serve the mental health needs of Houston’s GLBT communities, even more so now that the state is considering slashing funds for mental health and substance abuse programs to balance the budget. Thanks to the generous underwriting of Bringin’ in the Green hosts John Danielson and attorney Dwane Todd, 100 percent of the funds raised will go to direct client services. Their support, and that of the event’s sponsors and attendees, allows us to continue providing quality services at little or no cost to clients.
Now in its 22nd year, Bringin’ in the Green is MCC’s longest running fundraiser and a St. Patrick’s Day tradition for Houston’s GLBT communities. In addition to its historic location at Danielson’s beautiful home and the delicious hors d’oeuvres provided by Todd, the party will include festive comradery with a wonderful group of MCC supporters and a silent auction of luxury items, including a vacation package and tickets to the upcoming Cirque du Soleil’s OVO performance.
Traditionally the party is held the Friday before St. Patty’s Day, but this year we moved the event in deference to LUEY Weekend. Please join us on Friday, March 18, from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. at 3618 Burlington. Last year’s event raised more than $10,200 for MCC programs. You can help us surpass that by purchasing tickets or becoming a sponsor today.
Sponsorship opportunities begin at $50 and include ticket(s) to the event and recognition of your support. For more information, please click here.