SPRY Montrose Diner
2222 Cleburne 2222 Cleburne, HoustonThe Montrose Diner is an activities and lunch program. A free lunch is served at noon. Seniors 60 years old or better who reside in Harris County are eligible to […]
The Sooner the Better NA – 110
Open meeting
Montrose TIRZ 27 Board Meeting – 106/107
Hosted by A Williams
Script Writers Houston Monthly Meeting – 111
We are where the most influential professionals and novices come to share and talk everything about playwriting and screenwriting. Speakers, workshops, and production opportunities are available to help you get […]
Houston Polyamory Peer Discussion Group – 112/113
Free and open to the public. The HPPDG is open to those who identify as polyamorous or poly-curious. As the Montrose Center is a LGBTQ affirming space, we ask all […]
The Sooner the Better NA – 110
Open to the public