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  • In honor of MLK Day, the Montrose Center and Law Harrington offices are closed Monday, January 20.

    Regularly scheduled meetings and events may still be occurring in our buildings. Check the community calendar for more information.

The Power of the Purple Postcard

TCOF cardPurple is the color of the Domestic Violence Awareness ribbon, so the Texas Council on Family Violence’s Purple Post Cards are easy to spot when you walk into the 2nd Floor lobby at Montrose Counseling Center. We are asking our supporters to fill out the card and send it to Austin to let our state lawmakers know that funding Family Violence Services, like the same-sex domestic partner violence program at MCC, is crucial to our community. The cards point out that funding anti-violence programs is less expensive than the financial toll it takes on law enforcement, the criminal and civil justice systems, and businesses when there is nowhere to turn.

The next time you’re in the building, please pick up a purple card, fill it out and drop it in the mail. The postage is prepaid. Let Texas lawmakers know that our community is not invisible. It is estimated that domestic abuse occurs in one out of every four GLBT relationships — the same rate that it happens in the heterosexual community.

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