To everyone who attended, sponsored the event, volunteered your time, or bid on the silent auction, we want to thank you for helping us break records with this year’s success. Because of your generous support, we were able to raise $20,454 for client services! Please click here to enjoy photos from the event.
MCC takes pride in being great stewards of the money you invest in us. Unrestricted funds like those raised at Bringin’ in the Green allow us to be flexible within our budget, responding appropriately to the community’s changing needs.
What kind of difference does $20,454 make? Here are a few examples of what it allows us to do:
- We can provide 136 weeks of safe shelter to domestic violence survivors fleeing abusive partners.
- We can provide more than 200 counseling sessions to clients who can’t afford to pay.
- We can purchase 1,779 HIV test kits, which we provide for free to community members.
- We can help more than 10 clients gain sobriety through our intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment program.
We especially want to thank hosts John Danielson and attorney Dwane Todd for hosting the party and underwriting its costs. Their support makes this event the success that it is. Many, many clients’ quality of life will improve because of their support.
Thank you again for helping us bring in the green at our annual St. Patrick’s Day party!
Bringin’ in the Green is traditionally held the Friday before St. Patrick’s Day, so mark your calendar now for March 15, 2013!