[images_gallery 1 /]Take the Pride Pledge
How will you be a more active member/ally of the community? Take a picture of yourself with your pledge, post it to our Facebook page or email it to us, and we’ll proudly display it here with the others.
Feel free to use one of our suggestions or write your own pledge. You can pledge to:
- Attend an event for a GLBT charity
- Come out to someone new as a member/ally of the community
- Donate to a GLBT charity
- Know your HIV status
- Add to your wardrobe a rainbow pin, ring, shirt, button, etc.
- Volunteer for a GLBT charity
- Speak up against heterosexist language and actions
- Educate your friends and family about HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Infection
We are out and proud 365 days a year. Join us by taking the pledge today!