Transgender Support Group, January 19 – April 6
This confidential support group is for individuals in all stages of transition, whether you have not started, are in the process, or finished a long time ago. Topics of discussion will include: transgender indentities and identity formation; transphobia; coming out; gender affirmation; accessing competent health care; dating & sexuality; living authentically; etc. Meetings will be held Tuesdays from 6:30 – 8 p.m., January 19 – April 6. There is no fee to attend, and you do not need to be a client of MCC to participate. Registration is requested, but not required. For more information, please call 713.529.0037 x703.
Partners of Transgender Support Group, February 15 – April 5
This confidential support group is for cisgender (non-transgender) partners of transgender individuals. Topics of discussion will include: accepting self and partner; vicarious discrimination; sexual identity and orientation; self care; family relationships; out vs. stealth; spirituality and communities of faith; being an ally; etc. Meetings will be held Mondays from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m., February 15 – April 5. There is no fee to attend, and you do not need to be a client of MCC to participate. Registration is requested, but not required. For more information, please call 713.529.0037 x703.