ERSICSS Investitures – Saturday, February 19
We hope to see you at 4 p.m. at the Brazos River Bottom (BRB) at 2400 Brazos. Join us as we celebrate the close of Reign XXVI and the beginning of Reign XXVII! Not only does the ceremony promise to include wonderful performances by the talented members of ERSICSS, but MCC will be given its donation as a beneficiary of Reign XXVI. With multiple weekly fundraisers throughout the last twelve months, ERSICSS’s donation is sure to be generous!
The Dianas Award Ceremony – Saturday, March 12
MCC’s work with Houston’s GLBT homeless youth population, along with our Anti-GLBT Bullying campaign, have been chosen as the main beneficiary of this year’s event. We are honored to be included in this wonderful organization’s efforts. Now in its 58th year, the Diana Foundation is the nation’s oldest continually active gay organization. This year’s Awards ceremony will be held at 7 p.m. at the Hilton Americas at 1600 Lamar.
Bringin’ in the Green – Friday, March 18
We look forward to seeing you at this annual event that raises much-needed funds for MCC’s programs. Please click here for more information about the event, sponsorship opportunities, and how to purchase tickets.
Bunnies on the Bayou – Easter Sunday, April 24
MCC’s Client Assistance Fund has been chosen as a beneficiary of this annual event. More information will be available in the March and April newsletters, but we wanted you to be able to mark your calendars now! We always need volunteers to help Bunnies on behalf of MCC, so if you’d like to help out, please contact our Community Projects Specialist Meleah Jones at or 713.800.0872.