कृपया सुनिश्चित करें कि वेबसाइट पहुंच के उद्देश्यों के लिए जावास्क्रिप्ट सक्षम है

एलजीबीटीक्यू संगठन नस्लीय हिंसा का मुकाबला करने के लिए एकजुट हुए

मॉन्टरोज सेंटर का मिशन LGBTQ+ समुदाय के सभी सदस्यों को सशक्त और उत्थान करना है। 40 से अधिक वर्षों के लिए, हमारे विविध कर्मचारियों ने हमारे समुदाय के सबसे कमजोर सदस्यों के लिए प्रदान किया है, अक्सर जब कोई और नहीं करेगा। एक ऐसी संस्कृति में जहां रंग के लोग अपने मानसिक और शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य, पुलिस हिंसा, अंतरंग साथी दुर्व्यवहार और भेदभाव के सभी रूपों के लिए अधिक जोखिम का अनुभव करते हैं, हम प्रत्यक्ष और गुप्त नस्लवाद का मुकाबला करने के सभी प्रयासों के साथ समर्थन और लड़ाई करते हैं। हम मानते हैं कि रंग के लोग, विशेष रूप से ट्रांसजेंडर अश्वेत महिलाएं, सफेद वर्चस्व के विषाक्त संस्थानों और पुलिस क्रूरता के पैटर्न का खामियाजा भुगतने की अधिक संभावना रखते हैं, और इस क्षण में, हमें अपने काले समुदाय के सदस्यों के साथ एकजुटता में खड़ा होना चाहिए।

आज, हम 300+ राष्ट्रीय और राज्यव्यापी LGBTQ+ संगठनों में शामिल होकर LGBTQ+ समुदाय को सशक्त बनाने के अपने मिशन को बनाए रखते हैं ताकि नस्लीय हिंसा का मुकाबला किया जा सके और प्रणालीगत नस्लवाद के खिलाफ आवाज़ उठाई जा सके।

"यदि आप अन्याय की स्थिति में तटस्थ हैं, तो आपने उत्पीड़क का पक्ष चुना है।" आर्कबिशप डेसमंड टूटू द्वारा 30 साल पहले लिखे गए ये शब्द हमें याद दिलाते हैं कि उदासीनता कभी भी नफरत की खाई को पाट नहीं सकती। और, आज, उन्हें हम सभी के लिए और LGBTQ समानता के आंदोलन के लिए एक आह्वान के रूप में काम करना चाहिए।

यह वसंत एक कठोर और चुभने वाला अनुस्मारक रहा है कि नस्लवाद, और इसका रणनीतिक उद्देश्य, श्वेत वर्चस्व, अमेरिकी अनुभव की एक विशेषता को उन आदर्शों के रूप में परिभाषित करता है, जिन पर हम अपने लोकतंत्र - न्याय, समानता, स्वतंत्रता को धारण करने का दावा करते हैं।

  • हमने मानवीय जरूरतों की सबसे बुनियादी जरूरतों के लिए जॉर्ज फ्लॉयड की भूतिया दलीलों को सुना, सांस - एक मिनियापोलिस पुलिस अधिकारी के रूप में उसकी गर्दन पर क्रूर उदासीनता के साथ घुटने टेक दिए।
  • हमने ब्रायो टेलर के प्रेमी के दर्द को महसूस किया क्योंकि उसने 9-1-1 को कॉल किया था, जब लुइसविले पुलिस ने सादे कपड़ों में उनके घर के दरवाजे को लात मारी थी और जब वह अपने बिस्तर पर सो रही थी तो उसे आठ बार गोली मारी थी।
  • हमने ब्रंसविक, जीए में श्वेत रक्षकों द्वारा अहमद एर्बी की गोली मारकर हत्या को देखा, इस बात से अवगत थे कि वीडियो सामने आने और राष्ट्रीय आक्रोश फैलने तक वे अपने कार्यों के परिणाम से बचते रहे।
  • हमने एक श्वेत महिला द्वारा नस्ल को हथियार के रूप में देखा, जिसने सेंट्रल पार्क में एक काले समलैंगिक व्यक्ति बर्ड-वाचिंग, क्रिश्चियन कूपर पर पुलिस को बुलाने में भय दिखाया।
  • हमने ट्रांसजेंडर लोगों की हत्याओं के बारे में सुना और पढ़ा है - विशेष रूप से ब्लैक ट्रांसजेंडर महिलाएं - इस तरह की नियमितता के साथ, इसे हिंसा की महामारी के रूप में वर्णित करना कोई अतिशयोक्ति नहीं है। इस साल अकेले, हमने अपने समुदाय के कम से कम 12 सदस्यों को खो दिया है: डस्टिन पार्कर, नेउलिसा लुसियानो रुइज़, याम्पी मेंडेज़ अरोचो, मोनिका डायमंड, लेक्सी, जोहाना मेट्ज़गर, सेरेना एंजेलिक वेलज़क्वेज़ रामोस, लैला पेलेज़ सांचेज़, पेनेलोप डियाज़ रामिरेज़, नीना पॉप, हेल जे ओ रेगन, और टोनी मैकडेड।

ये सभी घटनाएं इस बात की याद दिलाती हैं कि नफरत, हिंसा और प्रणालीगत नस्लवाद का दावा करने पर हमें क्यों बोलना चाहिए - बहुत बार नपुंसकता के साथ - ब्लैक लाइव्स।

एलजीबीटीक्यू आंदोलन के काम ने एलजीबीटीक्यू लोगों के नागरिक अधिकारों का विस्तार करने में महत्वपूर्ण जीत हासिल की है। लेकिन नागरिक अधिकारों का आनंद लेने की स्वतंत्रता के बिना क्या अच्छा है?

हमारे कई संगठनों ने अन्तर्विरोध को एक मूल मूल्य के रूप में अपनाने में प्रगति की है और अधिक विविध, न्यायसंगत और समावेशी होने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध हैं। लेकिन इस क्षण की आवश्यकता है कि हम और आगे बढ़ें - कि हम नस्लवाद-विरोधी को गले लगाने और श्वेत वर्चस्व को समाप्त करने के लिए स्पष्ट प्रतिबद्धताएं बनाते हैं, न कि हमारे मिशन के लिए आवश्यक परिणाम के रूप में, बल्कि LGBTQ लोगों के लिए पूर्ण समानता के उद्देश्य के अभिन्न अंग के रूप में।

हम, अधोहस्ताक्षरी, यह मानते हैं कि हम तटस्थ नहीं रह सकते हैं, न ही जागरूकता कार्रवाई का स्थान लेगी। LGBTQ समुदाय पुलिस की बर्बरता और हिंसा का विरोध करने के काम के बारे में जानता है। हम जून को प्राइड मंथ के रूप में मनाते हैं, क्योंकि यह न्यू यॉर्क शहर के स्टोनवेल में और इससे पहले कैलिफ़ोर्निया में हमारे पुलिस उत्पीड़न और क्रूरता का हिस्सा है, जब इस तरह की हिंसा आम और अपेक्षित थी। हम इसे एक सफलता के क्षण के रूप में याद करते हैं जब हमने पूरी तरह से, स्वतंत्र रूप से और प्रामाणिक रूप से जीने की कीमत के रूप में अपमान और भय को स्वीकार करने से इनकार कर दिया।

हम समझते हैं कि ऊपर उठने और उस संस्कृति के खिलाफ पीछे धकेलने का क्या मतलब है जो हमें बताती है कि हम उससे कम हैं, कि हमारा जीवन मायने नहीं रखता। आज, हम #BlackLivesMatter कहने के लिए फिर से एक साथ जुड़ गए हैं और उन शब्दों के लिए आवश्यक कार्रवाई के लिए खुद को प्रतिबद्ध करते हैं।

A Wider Bridge, Alan Schwartz and Arthur Slepian, CEO & Board Chair and Founder
ACLU, James Esseks, Director, LGBT & HIV Project
Affirmations, Dave Garcia, Executive Director
AIDS Foundation of Chicago, Aisha N. Davis, Director of Policy
American Civil Liberties Union, Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director
American Civil Liberties Union of Florida, Micah Kubic, Executive Director
American Institute of Bisexuality, Ian Lawrence-Tourinho, Executive Director
Annapolis Pride, Jeremy Browning, Founder & Chair
Arkansas Transgender Equity Collaborative, Tonya Estell, Board of Directors
Atlanta Pride Committee, Jamie Fergerson, Executive Director
AVOL Kentucky, Jon Parker, Executive Director
BAGLY, Inc. (Boston Alliance of LGBTQ Youth), Grace Sterling Stowell, Executive Director
Basic Rights Oregon, Nancy Haque, Executive Director
Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom (BALIF), Jeffrey Kosbie, Co-Chair
Bayard Rustin Coalition, Lawrence Shine, Co-Chair
Beth Chayim Chadashim , Juval Porat, Cantor
Bi Women Quarterly, Robyn Ochs, Editor
Bi+ Georgia, Dan Wilson, Lead Organizer
Bi+ Pride Milwaukee, Amy Luettgen, Organizer
Big Apple Performing Arts/New York City Gay Men’s Chorus, Lisa Reilly, Executive Director
BiLaw, Nancy Marcus, Co-Founder
Billy DeFrank LGBTQ+ Community Center, Gabrielle Antolovich, Board President
BiPOL San Francisco, Ms. Lani Ka’ahumanu
Bisexual Organizing Project – BOP, Leah Yoemans, Chair
Bisexual Resource Center, Belle Haggett Silverman, President – Board of Directors
Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center, Adrian Shanker, Executive Director
Brooklyn Community Pride Center, Floyd Rumohr, CEO
Broward House, Inc, Stacy Hyde, CEO
Cache Pride Center, Cassandra Seikkula, Program Director
CAMP Rehoboth , David Mariner, Executive Director
Campaign for Southern Equality, Adam Polaski, Communications Director
Campus Pride, Shane Windmeyer, Executive Director
Capital Pride Alliance, Ryan Bos, Executive Director
Cathedral Of Hope UCC, Rev. Dr. Neil G Thomas, Senior Pastor
Center on Halsted, Modesto Valle, CEO
CenterLink: The Community of LGBT Centers, Denise Spivak, CEO
Citrus Pride, Chuck Higgins , President
Cleveland Stonewall Democrats, Dara Adkison, President
Community Education Group, A.Toni Young, Executive Director
Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, Sharon Kleinbaum, Senior Rabbi
Contigo Fund, Marco Antonio Quiroga, Director
Curve Magazine, Merryn Johns, Editor-in-Chief
Diocese of Southern Ohio, Rev deniray mueller, Legislative Liaison
Diversity Center, Santa Cruz County, Sharon Esther Papo, Executive Director
Edutechnologic, Brad Henry, CEO
elizabeth f schwartz, p.a., attorney & activist
Equality Arizona, Michael Soto, Executive Director
Equality Business Alliance, Eddie Reynoso, Executive Director
Equality California, Rick Chavez Zbur, Executive Director
Equality Delaware, Mark Purpura, Director
Equality Federation, Rebecca Isaacs, Executive Director
Equality Florida, Nadine Smith, Executive Director
Equality Illinois, Brian Johnson, CEO
Equality Michigan, Erin Knott, Executive Director
Equality NC, Kendra R Johnson, Executive Director
Equality Nevada, Chris Davin, President
Equality New Mexico, Adrian N. Carver, Executive Director
Equality New York, Amanda Babine, Executive Director
Equality Ohio, Alana Jochum, Executive Director
Equality Texas, Ricardo Martinez, CEO
Equality Virginia, Vee Lamneck, Executive Director
EqualityMaine, Matt Moonen, Executive Director
Fair Wisconsin, Megin McDonell, Executive Director
Fairness Campaign, Tamara Russell, Board Member
Family Equality, Denise Brogan-Kator, Chief Policy Officer
Fenway Health, Ellen LaPointe, CEO
Fierté Fredericton Pride, Amelia Thorpe, Co-Chair
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Nik Harris, LGBTQ Consumer Advocate
Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus, Stephen Gaskill, President
FORGE,  Inc., Loree Cook-Daniels, Policy and Program Director
Free Mom Hugs, Katrina Kalb, Executive Director
Freedom for All Americans, Kasey Suffredini, CEO & National Campaign Director
Freedom Oklahoma, Allie Shinn, Executive Director
FreeState Justice, Mark Procopio, Executive Director
GAAMC, Gordon Sauer, President
Garden State Equality, Christian Fuscarino, Executive Director
Gay City: Seattle’s LGBTQ Center, Fred Swanson, Executive Director
Gay Resources of the Ozarks, LLC, Brian C. Vega, LPC, NCC, Owner
Gay USA TV, Ann Northrop and Andy Humm, Co-Hosts
Gender Rights Maryland, Sharon Brackett, Board Chair
Gender Spectrum, Joel Baum, Senior Director
Genders & Sexualities Alliance Network (GSA Network), Geoffrey Winder & Ginna Brelsford, Co-Executive Directors
Georgia Equality, Jeff Graham, Executive Director
Get The Vote Out, Brad Henry, Founder
GLAAD, Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO
GLBT Alliance of Santa Cruz, Gloria Nieto, Board member
GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), Janson Wu, Executive Director
GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBTQ Equality, Hector Vargas, Executive Director
GLSEN, Eliza Byard, Executive Director
GLSEN Southern Nevada, Trevor Harder, Co- Chair
GMHC, Kelsey Louie, CEO
GO Magazine , Dayna Troisi, Managing Editor
GSAFE, Brian Juchens, Co-Director
Harvey Milk Festival, Inc, Shannon Fortner, Executive Director
Have A Gay Day, Michael Knote , Executive Director
Heartland Equality, Dustin Havens, Director of Operations
Henderson Equality Center, Chris Davin, Executive Director
Hetrick-Martin Institute, Thomas Krever, CEO
Hetrick-Martin Institute: New Jersey, Lillian Rivera, Executive Director
Hudson Pride Center, Elizabeth Schedl, Chief Operations Officer
Human Rights Alliance – Santa Fe, NM, Kevin A. Bowen, President
Hyacinth AIDS Foundation, Kathy Ahearn-O’Brien, Executive Director
Immigration Equality, Aaron C. Morris, Executive Director
Ingersoll Gender Center, Karter Booher, Executive Director
Inside Out Youth Services, Jessie Pocock, Executive Director
InterPride, Julian Sanjivan and Andrew Baker, Co-Presidents
It Gets Better Project, Brian Wenke, Executive Director
Kaleidoscope Youth Center, Erin Upchurch, MSSA, LISW-S, Executive Director
Keshet, Idit Klein, President & CEO
Lambda Legal, Kevin Jennings , CEO
Left of Center Productions, Linda Lewis, Entertainment Agent
Lesbians of Color Symposium Collective, Inc., Shaunya Thomas, Co – Founder / President
LGBT Bar Association of New York, Eric Lesh, Executive Director
LGBT Caucus of the California Democratic Party, Tiffany Woods and Lester Aponte, Co-Chairs
LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland, Phyllis Seven Harris, Executive Director
LGBT Community Center of the Desert, Mike Thompson, CEO
LGBT Equality Alliance of Chester County, Don Davis, President
LGBT Life Center, Stacie Walls, CEO
LGBTQ Center OC, Peg Corley, Executive Director
LGBTQ Center of Bay County Inc., Cindy Wilker, President
LGBTQ Community Center of Southern Nevada, John Waldron, CEO
LGBTQ Victory Fund & LGBTQ Victory Institute , Mayor Annise Parker, President & CEO
LGBTQ+ Allies Lake County, Betty Jacobs, Founder/Executive Director
LHI Houston, Ann J. Robison, PhD, Executive Director
Long Island Gay and Lesbian Youth, Robert Vitelli, Executive VP/COO
Long Island LGBT Center, Lauren Corcoran-Doolin, Vice-President,  External Affairs
Los Angeles Bi Task Force, Mimi Hoang, Co-Founder
Los Angeles LGBT Center, Lorri L. Jean, CEO
Louisiana Trans Advocates, Peyton Rose Michelle, Director of Operations
Lower Columbia Q Center, Jim Summers, Vice Chair
Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition, Tre’Andre Valentine, Executive Director
MassEquality, Tanya V. Neslusan, Executive Director
Math4cure, Karen Young, Executive Director
Matthew Shepard Foundation, Jason Marsden, Executive Vice President
Me Too Springfield, Jordan Harris, President
Methodist Federation for Social Action, Bridget Cabrera, Executive Director
Movement Advancement Project, Ineke Mushovic, Executive Director
Nashville Pride, Phil Cobucci, Community Affairs
National Black Justice Coalition , David Johns, Executive Director
National Center for Lesbian Rights, Imani Rupert-Gordon, Executive Director
National Center for Transgender Equality, Mara Keisling, Executive Director
National Equality Action Team (NEAT), Brian Silva, Founder & Executive Director
National LGBT Bar Association and Foundation, D’Arcy Kemnitz, Executive Director
National LGBTQ Task Force, Rea Carey, Executive Director
National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals (NOGLSTP), Rochelle Diamond, Chair
National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (NQAPIA) , Glenn D. Magpantay, Executive Director
National Trans Visibility March, Apyphanie Barnhill, Asst. National Strategy Director
National Voices for Equality Education and Enlightenment, Jowharah Sanders, Executive Director
New York City Anti-Violence Project, Beverly Tillery, Executive Director
New York City Gay Men’s Chorus, Lisa Reilly, Executive Director
New York LGBT Network, David Kilmnick, President/CEO
NMAC, Paul Kawata, ED
North Dakota Human Rights Coalition, Barry Nelson, Organizer
North Jersey Pride, C.J. Prince, Executive Director
North Shore Alliance of GLBT Youth, Stephen Harrington, Executive Director
Northwest Arkansas Equality,  Inc., Joseph Porter, President,  Board of Directors
Oakland LGBTQ Community Ctr., Joe Hawkins , CEO
Oasis Legal Services, Ari Jones, Staff Attorney and Outreach Coordinator
OCTOPUS LLC (Organizing Communities Transgender Outreach Promoting United Support), Kimberly Sue Griffiths, Executive Director
One Colorado, Daniel Ramos, Executive Director
One Iowa, Courtney Reyes, Executive Director
One Orlando Alliance, Jennifer Foster, Executive Director
One-n-ten, Nate Rhoton, Executive Director
onePULSE Foundation, Barbara Poma, CEO
Our Family Coalition, Sam Ames, Interim Executive Director
Out & Equal Workplace Advocates, Erin Uritus, CEO
Out Boulder County, Mardi Moore, Executive Director
Out in STEM, Cortland Russell, President & CEO
Out in the Open, HB Lozito, Executive Director
Out Leadership, Todd Sears, Founder & CEO
Out on Film LGBTQ+ Film Festival, Craig Hardesty and Jim Farmer, Board Chair and Festival Director
OutFront Kalamazoo, Amy Hunter, Executive Director
OutFront Minnesota, Monica Meyer, Executive Director
OutNebraska, Abbi Swatsworth, Executive Director
OutRight Action International, Daina Rudusa, Senior Communications Manager
Outright Vermont, Dana Kaplan, Executive Director
OUTshine LGBTQ+ Film Festival, Victor Gimenez, Executive Director
OUTspoken Leaders, Jacob Kniep, Executive Director
Pacific Center for Human Growth, Michelle Gonzalez, Executive Director
Palm Beach County Human Rights Council, Rand Hoch, President and Founder
Peer Support Space, Dani, Dandelion Hill, Director of Peer Services
PFLAG Los Angeles, Steve Krantz, Vice President
PFLAG National, Brian K. Bond, Executive Director
PFLAG NYC, Drew Tagliabue, Executive Director
PFLAG South Miami, Jennifer Solomon, President PFLAG South Miami Chapter
Plexus LGBT Chamber of Commerce, Amanda Cole, Executive Director
Point Foundation, Jorge Valencia, Executive Director & CEO
PRC, Brett Andrews, CEO
Pride at Work, Jerame Davis, Executive Director
Pride Center of the Capital Region, Martha Harvey, Executive Director
Pride Center Of Vermont, Mike Bensel, Executive Director
Pride Fund 1, Densil R Porteous, CEO
Project No Labels, CLAIRE ELISAN, Founder / CEO
Project PRIDE Sarasota, Joshua Beadle, Co-Founder & Executive Director
PROMO, Stephen Eisele, Executive Director
Proud Haven Inc, Debbie Scotto, Co-Founder
Q Center, James K. Phelps,  ACFRE, Interim Executive Director
QLatinx, Christopher J. Cuevas, Executive Director
Queens LGBT Center (QCenter), JR Cehonski, Director of Programs
Rainbow Community Center of Contra Costa County, Kiku Johnson, Executive Director
Rainbow Mobile, Bryan Fuenmayor, Executive Director
Reformed Catholic Church, Chris Carpenter, Presiding Bishop
Resource Center, Cece Cox, CEO
Rockland County Pride Center, Brooke Malloy, Executive Director
Rose Dynasty Foundation, Inc., Jason DeShazo, President
RUSA LGBT, Yelena Goltsman, Founder and Co-President
Ruth Ellis Center, Inc., Jerry Peterson, Executive Director
Sacramento LGBT Community Center, David Heitstuman, CEO
Safe Schools Action Network, Shannon Cuttle, Director
Safe Schools South Florida, Scott Galvin, Executive Director
SAGE, Michael Adams, CEO
SAGE Jersey City, Gordon Sauer, Affiliate Leader
SAGE Metro Detroit, Angie Perone, Executive Director
SAGE New Orleans – NOAGE, Jim Meadows, Executive Director
SAGE Upstate, Leslie Lamb, Program Administrator
San Diego Pride, fernando@sdpride.org, Executive Director
San Francisco AIDS Foundation, Joe Hollendoner, CEO
San Francisco Community Health Center, Lance Toma, Chief Executive Officer
SAVE – Safeguarding American Values for Everyone, Orlando Gonzales, Executive Director
Sero Project, Sean Strub, Executive Director
SF LGBT Center, Rebecca Rolfe, Executive Director
Shenandoah LGBTQ Center, Emily Sproul, Executive director
Side by Side VA, Inc., Ted Lewis, Executive Director
Silver State Equality, André C. Wade, State Director
Solano Pride Center, Jonathan Cook, Executive Director
South Orange Middle School, Johanna Barnhart, Dr.
Still Bisexual, Nicole Kristal, President
Stonewall Columbus, Gerry Rodriguez, President of the Board of Trustees
Stonewall Democratic Club, Drexel Heard II, Community Vice-President
Stonewall Sports Cleveland, Patty Hace, Board Chair
TargetCue, Cathy Renna, Principal
TBuddy, Dani Farrell, Founder & CEO
Tennessee Equality Project, Chris Sanders, executive director
The Alliance for GLBTQ Youth, Pauline Green, Executive Director
The Bros in Convo Initiative, Daniel J. Downer, Executive Director
The DC Center for the LGBT Community, Rehana Mohammed, Board Chair
The Diversity Center, Sharon E Papo, Executive Director
The Gala Pride and Diversity Center, Michelle Call, Executive Director
The Karpel Group, Craig Karpel, President
The Lesbian, Gay Bisexual and Transgender Community Center (NY), Glennda Testone, Executive Director
The LGBT Bar Association of New York, Eric Leah, Executive Director
The LGBT Center of Greater Reading, Michelle Dech, Executive Director
The LGBT Center, NYC, Reg Calcagno, Senior Director of Government Affairs
The LGBT Pink Panthers Movement, Faith Alastair, President
The LGBTQ Center Long Beach, Porter Gilberg, Executive Director
the Montrose Center, Ann J. Robison, PhD, Executive Director
The Pride Center at Equality Park, Robert Boo, CEO
The Pride Center of Maryland, Mimi Demissew, Executive Director
The Pride Network, Jacob Rudolph, Executive Director
The San Diego LGBT Community Center, Cara Dessert, CEO
The Source LGBT+ Center, Brian Poth, Executive Director
The Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative, Stacy Lentz, CEO
The Trevor Project, Amit Paley, CEO
Trans In Color, Dani Farrell, Founder & CEO
Transgender Children’s Legal Defense Fund, Benjamin Cooper, President of the Board
Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT), Emmett Schelling, Executive Director
Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF), Andy Marra, Executive Director
Transgender Michigan, Susan Crocker, Operations Director
TransInclusive Group, Inc, Tatiana Williams, Executive Director
TransNewYork, Gennifer herley, Executive Director
TransOhio, James Knapp, Chair & Executive Director
TriVersity Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity, Steven Teague, Executive Director
True Colors United, Gregory Lewis, Executive Director & CEO
True Colors, Inc., Robin McHaelen, Executive Director
Truth Wins Out, Wayne Besen, Executive Director
Unity Coalition|Coalicion unida, Herb Sosa, Director & CEO
Uptown Gay & Lesbian Alliance (UGLA), Carl Matthes, President
Utah Pride Center, Robert Moolman, Executive Director
Visuality, Inc., Arlene Goldberg, Vice President,  Board of DIrectors
Voices4, Oliver Fuhrmann, Lead Organizer
Waves Ahead & SAGE PR, Wilfred Labiosa, Executive Director
We Matter Winchester, William Wright, Administrator
William Way LGBT Community Center,  Philadelphia, Chris Bartlett, Executive Director
Wisconsin Trans Health Coalition, Ben Andert, Core Team member
Woodhull Freedom Foundation, Ricci Levy, President & CEO
Wynwood Pride, Anna Margarita Albelo, Executive Director
Wyoming Equality, Sara Burlingame, Executive Director
Youth Seen, tara jae, Executive Director


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